Equipping Worship Leaders and Teams to Lead Better



Is your worship team ready to go to the next level? Have you hit some roadblocks and you can’t seem to breakthrough? Does your vision level need to expand? Do you serve in a small church and you need help developing worship culture and training volunteers? This is for you.

Specialized training

If you answered “yes'“ to any of the above I’d love to partner with you! I offer 1-3 day worship workshops. These sessions are specifically tailored to your needs as a church and team. You will leave equipped to lead better the very next service and beyond! Topics include worship principles such as: leading people (and not just songs), being a music minister vs. a musician, leading with authority under authority, as well as practical application topics: how to create a worship setlist, how to open a service, how to conduct a rehearsal, how to flow with a minister, communication tips for worship teams, and much much more. 


Lead Worship For Your Event

I love leading God’s people in worship! Do you have an event coming up that you would like me to lead worship at? Maybe your regular worship leader is out of town on vacation - or maybe your worship leader hasn’t had a vacation in a long long time because you didn’t have a trusted person to fill in. Is your church new and you don’t have a worship team yet, but you’d like to have a special time of worship and ministry?

midweek services, sundays, special worship nights, conferences

I’d love to partner with you and your church for your event. I ESPECIALLY LOVE leading worship at smaller churches and gatherings. That may come as a shock, but for most of my time as a worship leader I have led in smaller environments and I thoroughly enjoy it.


Are you a Worship Leader that wants to take your leadership level to the next level? Are you wrestling with what your next steps could and should be? Are you a Pastor who knows there’s a deeper level out there for your worship culture, but just don’t know how to communicate that in terms that your worship department will understand? Do you serve in a small church and sometimes feel forgotten (well you’re not at all!!) I would love to partner with you to equip you to WIN IN WORSHIP.



Recording Services

songwriting & Production demos

Do you have an idea for a great worship song, but you’re struggling to get it over the finish line? Do you have a rough voice memo recording of your worship song, but you’d love to have a full band arrangement of it to teach your team and introduce to your church? I frequently partner with other worship leaders, churches, and songwriters to co-write and produce full production song demos of their songs so that they can better equip their teams to lead the new song live. I also can produce backing tracks and stems to play along with to create a fuller sound for you and your team.


album recording

Have you always wanted to release a worship album for your church or community, but just don’t know where to begin? Or maybe you don’t have the equipment, musicians, and things you need to pull off your vision. I can help - from pre-production consulting and writing, to recording, editing and overdubs, as well as help with getting your songs “out there” on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and physical cd’s.


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Pastor Jeff Hall - Community Faith Church

I can not only vouch for Josh and his ministry, I wholeheartedly endorse the work that the Lord has called and gifted him to serve in. Josh is one of the few people I can completely trust with my family, possessions, and ministry.

He’s served faithfully spending hours, days, and weeks at a time researching, learning, and implementing. He has always pursued being on the cutting edge of making a worship experience extraordinary no matter the space, budget, or personnel restrictions. His creativity, passion, humility, leadership, and willingness to look outside the norms have made him a tremendous asset.

It is beyond time for Josh to share his wealth of knowledge, spiritual insights, and hands-on practicality with the rest of the Body of Christ.

I recommend having Josh come serve your ministry with a worship seminar, leading for a special event, consulting with your team, even filling your pulpit. He will help you! He is a submitted local church man and will be respectful, helpful, and anointed.


Pastor Terry Linscott - Abundant Life Church

I want to share that Josh has truly ignited a deeper passion for leading people at ALC. Our ministry has some powerful worship and some very anointed individuals who love God and want to honor Him in their gift. As the lead Pastor, I was noticing a struggle in our worship and as I was in prayer the Lord put Josh on my heart to bring him in and that the anointing on his life would unlock a room for our team as well as our church that we have never been in. Josh is a humble minister of the gospel and definitely anointed to teach and lead people. Since Josh was here our worship services have increased in the anointing simply because he taught our team to lead people and not songs. The anointing and confidence instilled in each of our team members have drastically increased. Just 3 weeks from him being here we have had 3 different individuals step up and lead our congregation into the presence of the Lord. I would highly recommend that you would have Josh come and help your people go to a deeper place. The key for me and our team is that we are called to lead people and not just a song.


Pastor Brian Scott, Victory Christian Centre

Victory Christian Centre was blessed to have the ministry of Josh Smith this past weekend. We asked Josh to conduct 3 services for us, including  a workshop on Saturday afternoon for our Worship team. The workshop/seminar was absolutely outstanding. Josh reached into each member’s heart to share their commitment, their worship calling, and their goals for this new year. It was a profound time of sincerity, reflection, and sharing of true feelings—it brought our team much closer together with a fresh anointing and deeper commitment.

Josh led an awesome night of Worship for our church family on Saturday night, such a powerful and sweet anointing filled the auditorium and each church member’s heart. It was tremendously refreshing and encouraging. 

And Sunday morning’s service was powerful—Josh led our Worship with our team flowing in agreement and unison. And I had Josh preach the morning message ‘7 Keys to Becoming a Worshipper’.  It was an “Anointed Word in Due Season!”

 As Pastor, I was greatly blessed by Josh’s wisdom and knowledge of all aspects of Praise & Worship  but more importantly, I was sincerely impressed with Josh’s sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading – he sensed the Spirit changing his message and song list which perfectly reflected my desires for the weekend. Josh hit a grand slam! 

We’re looking forward to a further weekend within a few months! 

 We highly recommend Josh’s ministry; your church and worship team will be greatly blessed!


I strive to tailor my services to meet your needs and I never want cost to be a barrier to you taking your next steps. Please contact me and we can discuss your budget and how we can make the maximum impact together.